![]() I used to be one of MLW's biggest fans. Court Bauer appreciated me enough to send me amazing MLW swag. I had MLW's permission to use their logo to create the hat and jacket you see in my picture here. Then, after the pandemic, MLW completely changed. Worst of all, to me, they brought in Microman, and did things that were downright embarrassing. I called them out on it, on my YouTube, and they then wanted nothing to do with me anymore. They even had a video banned from my YouTube because of "copyright" even thought they had agreed that I could use small clips from their shows in my video reviews in the past. All this just to say I kept rooting for MLW despite all of that. I still wanted it be what it once was. No "wink wink" you're in on the joke, terrible mark cathering wrestling. If MLW could get back on track, I'd support them again. Likely never as much as I did back in the day, because you can never trust ANY American company to not be terrible sports entertainment, but I wish MLW would go back to being great. I never counted on it though. Well, I've spent the last few days checking out MLW, trying to decide what I think of it today. I've heard it improved, but I was nervous to watch. After watching their last 5 shows, it seems to be that major changes stated happening around June 1, 2024, on their Anniversary show. Micro Man was gone before that, but as I watched, and looked closely at the cards, it seems to have started getting most serious about the booking around this time. I can say that I am a fan again...hopefully for good this time. However, lets look at the good and the not so great ( I won't call it "bad). The Not So Great: Sting Ray from Cobra Kai's short involvement with the company. I watched it, it wasn't HIDEOUS, but it was too goofy imo. It was a short stint, so no biggie imo. Tom Lawler: Look, Lawler is great in the ring and mic, but he's often too goofy and I'll never understand why he wants to do shit like he does sometimes. It makes no sense to me. Cesar Duran: He seems less Lucha Underground now at least, thank God! As such, I don't hate his work, but it's not my favorite. I love Salina de la Renta, but Cesar being her daddy and then one of his henchmen getting her pregnant (her real life bf and a real life pregnancy) is kind of....meh, but I guess it's a way to work her legit pregnancy into the shows. I'll see where it goes. Hidden Camera: Court and crew didn't use to do this. in the past MLW would have the commentators say "there is something going on in the back, lets get a crew back there now! Then we would see the start of an angle with a shaky camera and an interview person trying to tell us what is happening. They need to go back to that. Saint Laurent: Sorry, he's bad. Not as bad as when he was with Micro Man, but he comes across as a guy playing a character, and that is never good. I'm cool with a manager leading a stable of badasses coming into MLW (Davey Boy Jr, Dijak, Lawlor) etc but Laurent is so bag he looks like a wrestler (don't get any ideas) and he just isn't meant for this kind of role. I'll get over it, but he needs to understand this. Especially if he loves MLW. The Good: Losing Hammerstone, Holiday, and Fatu was brutal for MLW and I mean BRUTAL. But having Kojima willing to step in and help is awesome. Matt Riddle, Dijak, DBS Jr, Bobby Fish, Alex Kane, Bad Dude Tito, and Mistico really help with this. Some young guys are stepping up like Akira. I didn't know this kid at all but he's solid! Janai Kai is a very good women's wrestler and is legit scary looking and plays it well (unlike Laurent). TJP is one of the most underrated wrestlers on earth. Tim Thatcher is a badass! I am still getting to know Brett Ryan Gosselin but he's an annoying as hell heel, and if his work is good, he's going to be great. Brock and CW Anderson together are awesome! I am not sure if 1 Called Manders is still around, but I like him much better than I did Mance Warner in that kind of role. Over all MLW seems back to being as good as it was back when I loved it. I am still a little reserved since I was burned by them so bad with that hideous Micro Man era...my god that was bad! But honestly, they seem to have a little less hardcore shit, and the Lucha is there, but seems more like Pro Wrestling Noah's Lucha than MLW's older "crash" style Lucha, which means it is much improved in style and presentation. Speaking of presentation, MLW's look is great, the crowds are often strong and vocal, and they still do those City scape shots that are just cool as hell. The commentators are good, well studied and they add to the presentation in a positive way. I've yet to see a doe eyed woman who seems to be interviewing wrestlers just to advance her career in some way. MLW is full of "factions" which I have always been a fan of. I am not sure why whatever happened to MLW after pandemic happened, but it seems that Court Bauer has gone back to what I knew him for, sensible booking, strong presentation, and presenting wrestling in a way that isn't embarrassing or stupid. Before you know it I'll be calling MLW Wrestling Done Right again! At least I sure hope so!
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