![]() The Wrestling Done Right Tag Team of the year, 2024 is Axiom & Nathan Frazer, or…Fraxiom. There simply hasn’t been a more consistent “great” tag team in the business. Arguments could be made for Judgement Day, The Street Prophets, The New Bloodline, and a few teams from Japan, but the more I looked at match statistics and ratings, no team came close. While I like this team, I hope tag team wrestling in 2025 is taken more seriously and featured more often so that there is much more competition in this new year!
![]() The Wrestling Done Right female wrestler of the year is Liv Morgan. I will be honest here, I wanted to give this award to someone like Mayu Iwatani, who has dominated as the IWGP Women’s champion, and imo, is the best female wrestler in the world. I wanted to give it to Giulia, who dominated Stardom, dominated Marigold, and has taken NXT by storm! Liv Morgan has made herself against Rhea Ripley, and no matter how many fans say they are tired of that feud, Liv’s calculated plan to take Dom Mysterio and all of Judgement Day was a solid wrestling angle (story) that made her bigger than she has ever been. She has a 67% winning percentage in 2024 and has bested another “best in the world” in Iyo Sky. I still do not believe that Liv Morgan is the best wrestler in the world. I don’t even believe that she is close to that. She has however had an amazing 2024 and is Wrestling Done Right’s female wrestler of the year for 2024, and deservedly so. Display your pride in being part of the Intelligent Internet Wrestling Community! These will be on sale soon!
![]() The wrestler of the year for 2024 is clear and obvious. The WWE World Champion, Gunther. I don’t even understand how anyone can question this. As good as anyone else has been, they simply can’t compare statistically. In 2024 Gunther has… -Held the Intercontinental Championship for 4 months of his record breaking 666 day run with it. -3 months after losing the IC title, he won the World Heavyweight Championship and still holds it going into 2025. -Nine of 2024’s twelve months, Gunther was a champion in WWE. -Gunther had 65 matches in 2024 and won 48 of them, for a 74% winning percentage. -Gunther has only been pinned 4 times in his 5-year WWE career, and only ONCE in 2024 Since arriving in WWE, Gunther has spent 75% of this time as a Champion. The man is unbelievable, and Wrestling Done Right’s 2024 Wrestler of the Year! ![]() I am going to say something here that is going to shock everyone because it has shocked me! It is also going to cause many of you to call me a names or all sorts, and I sort of understand that. I have been a WWF/WWE hater all of my life. I felt that the WWF ruined the wrestling that I loved. I believed that the WWF destroyed Georgia Championship Wrestling, WCCW, UWF, and even Jim Crockett Promotions. I still stand by that. I wanted to legit cry when Vince McMahon won the wrestling wars, bought WCW, and killed it, embarrassingly so, on purpose. I loathe Vince McMahon. I absolutely believe he is an evil man. I hate the term "sports entertainment" with a passion I can't even describe. It legitimately makes me want to fight. Since WWF, now WWE won the wrestling wars, and stand clearly dominate as the leader of pro wrestling, I have embraced everything but them. From old Ring of Honor, Evolve, MLW, and many different indie companies, to New Japan, All Japan, Noah, Stardom, and Marigold, I got my wrestling "fix" anywhere other than putrid, disgusting, McMahon lead, WWE and their shitty "sports entertainment." That said, besides a few exceptions, I have never stood against wrestlers who were part of the WWE, or aspired to be. Of course it made sense to want to be there, get paid, become a star, etc. Just like in the 80's and 90's the WWE has always been full of amazing wrestlers! Some of my all time favorites were stars there. Men like Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, and Razor Ramone (my favorite Scott Hall gimmick) were major players there. Old school guys too like Paul Orndorff, King Kong Bundy, and yes, even Hulk Hogan, were the leaders of the WWF. But it was McMahons idea as to what wrestling was that pissed me off, and sickened me. So much ga-ga. So much stupidity, comedy, and insulting gimmicks and angles. Even as a child, when I liked WWF to a degree, I still saw how much better JCP and other NWA promotions were in that regard. Now we stand on the cusp of 2025 and I have closely followed companies like Pro Wrestling Noah, Dream Star Fighting Marigold, Stardom, New Japan, and All Japan for the past decade or so, just keeping an eye on the WWE since WrestleMania 40. Slowly but surely the WWE, in the "Triple H era," has been wooing me in. Oh they still do a bad angle here and there. They push Nia Jax, the worst mainstream television wrestler that I have seen in many years. They still use some unneeded backstage comedy, and for some reason still use the term sports entertainment (they have thrown the word wrestling in though, at least some)! But overall, in the past 8 months the WWE has evolved into solid, professional wrestling. Not just the in ring stuff, which has typically been acceptable to great, but in production, in presentation, in style, in commentary, in just about every way. The WWE has been so good in these past few months that when I watch my Japanese companies now, I am realizing that much of the hype I had for them was me seeing what I wanted, and needed to see. Let me explain... While I still enjoy Pro Wrestling Noah and Dream Star Fighting Marigold, after watching months of WWE action, I am now seeing the polish and professionalism of the WWE style more clearly, and that has made many matches in other companies I watch look sloppy. No, not all matches, but many of them. The main event matches of these other companies are on par, or close to being on par with WWE main events, but most of the matches on these cards aren't even close. I never dreamed that the day would come where I would say such a thing, but I also never dreamed the day would come when I would watch WWE regularly. I understand that at any moment the worm could turn, and the WWE could go back to shitty sports entertainment and I'll be standing here with my Netflix account in my hand, like a fool. I hope that doesn't happen, because as of now, the WWE is the bet wrestling in the world. And no, no one has done anything to The Wrestling Snob. I've always been straight up with my feelings as I've chased wrestling done right all over the world. I continue to be now, with my honesty about the true industry leader today, the WWE, in the Triple H era. ![]() When “The Bloodline” came back to WWE television after WrestleMania 40, on the weekend of April 6th, they were only represented by Paul Heyman, Jimmy Uso, and Solo Sioka. As Paul Heyman began accepting responsibility for Roman Reigns loss to Cody Rhodes, for the WWE title. Solo took exception, snatched the mic, and said “Losses have consequences, right?” In shock, Heyman said yes and this lead to Solo, and with whom he has dubbed his “MFT” (Tama Tonga, signing with WWE after leaving NJPW) attacked Jimmy, leaving him lay. Paul Heyman left the ring with Solo and Tanga after the melee but looked very distressed. Later than night, Tama Tonga leaned into Heyman’s face and said “by order of the Tribal Chief.” Heyman looked confused, and frightened. The following week, on WWE Smackdown, it was revealed that Solo had admitted Tonga into the Bloodline, causing Heyman more distress than ever. Later, the MFT attacked Kevin Owens by t-boning his rental car with a rental car of his own, dragging Owens into the arena, and shoving him down the entrance ramp. Owens attempted to fight back, but he was outnumbered. Who knows just how bad this would have gotten if not for Smackdown General Manager, Nick Aldis, stepping between the crazed Tama Tanga and Owens. Aldis demanded that Heyman get control of the Bloodline, because on Smackdown “we settle things in the ring!” Heyman insisted this wasn’t part of any plan, and wasn’t ordered by anyone. It appears that Solo Sioka has simply decided to take the mantle of “Tribal Chief.” On the surface it seems that in his plan to usurp Roman Reigns as the head of the table he went and procured a savage body guard in Tama Tanga, “his MFT” after all. I however feel that we have to look deeper than what we see on the surface. While Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has gone away for now, he is still a member of the board for TKO, the owner of WWE. The Rock came into WWE after Cody Rhodes had just won the Royal Rumble for the second time in a row, an amazing feat, just so he could continue to chase the end of his story. The Rock tried to talk Cody out of his WrestleMania match against Roman. The Rock wanted that shot for himself. The Rock believed that the fans of WWE wanted to see himself challenge Roman for the WWE title, and “Tribal Chief” moniker, more than they wanted to see Cody finish his story. The Rock…was wrong. I believe we have to take into consideration what this has done to the Rock. Yes, we saw how it brought out the old “Heel” Rock. We saw him blatantly attack Cody, bloody him, rub that blood onto a “Momma Rhodes” weight belt that he had made to present to Cody’s mother himself! So yes, we saw just how much the fans reaction caused the Rock to snap. That said, I believe, now that The Rock’s anger has subdued, and we can see that has subdued when he went face to face with Cody in the ring, swapped belts with him so each could hold the other, and gave him a gift back, that Cody had given him some time ago, promising to return and come back for Cody, and his WWE title. So the Rock has gone from angry, and crazed, to subdued and plotting. The Rock sees himself as not just a boss, but the final boss.That moniker is an important one. He sits on a throne, like a real life Thanos if you will. His shot at collecting his metaphorical infinity gauntlet, becoming a TKO board member, defeating Roman Reigns, becoming the WWE champion in this new era, and having the mantel of Tribal chief bestowed upon him, was denied by Cody Rhodes, and in some part, the fans. The Rock now sits in Hollywood, working on his movies, while plotting his return to WWE. I believe the Rock’s plot includes naming Solo Sioka the leader of the Bloodline in his stead, not the Tribal Chief, but someone The Rock trusts and knows will be as wicked as he has to be. I believe the Rock possibly subsidized Toma Tonga’s WWE contract to make sure he was brought in as the Bloodline’s killer, Solo Sioka’s MFT! Just like a mob boss that goes to prison but still controls his “family” from the inside, The Rock controls his bloodline from inside his Hollywood trailer. I believe the Rock has further plans to deepen his grasp on the WWE, and that he feels Roman Reigns disappointed him, and the bloodline with his loss. Remember, The Rock pinned Cody Rhodes on night one, and Roman failed to do the same. WWE legends came to WrestleMania 40 to thwart The Rock’s plans, so he must make his bloodline stronger and more savage than ever! Rumors say that Jacob Fatu, one of the most savage and scary Samoan wrestlers in the world has signed with WWE. The question is, who will he side with when he debuts? Jimmy Uso was jumped out of the bloodline, but will his brother Jey take him in? Jey is on record saying that he told Jimmy to come with him when he left the bloodline, but he refused. So now what? Jey is gunning for the WWE World title, does he have the time or desire to round up his brother and re-start their incredible tag team? Jey and Jimmy with Jacob Fatu and a returning Roman Reigns would be a powerful team to stand up to this new Bloodline! How about Paul Heyman? Is he really as distraught as it appears? Or is that all an act by a man that can be as weasely as anyone? What about the upcoming draft? How is that going to affect things? So many questions, and none of us know the answers, but I stand by what I’ve written here…the Rock is behind Solo Sioka’s actions, all part of his plan for revenge on The WWE, Cody Rhodes, and the fans! ![]() Female wrestler of the year: Giulia Tag team of the year: REStart (Natsupoi and Saori Anou) Unit of the year: Queens Quest Breakthrough wrestler of the year: AZM Most improved wrestler of the year: Yuna Mizumori Match of the year: Giulia vs Megan Bayne (Dream Queendom 2023) Best PPV event of the year: Dream Queendom 2023 Best angle (story) of the year: Maika’s rise to the Red belt ![]() I have never, nor shall I ever be a fan of comedy wrestling, or comedy wrestlers. Having been part of the business as a wrestler, manager, interviewer, commentator, and booking committee for more than ten independent organizations, I “understand” comedy in wrestling, I just don’t like it. When I watch professional wrestling, I still want to believe. For me, comedy wrestlers take that away, they are a big slap in the face that what you are watching is silly, and fake. I say all that so I can now praise a reformed comedy wrestler. Yuna Mizumori used to wrestle dressed as a pineapple. Yes, you read that right, Yuna’s presentation was “look at me, I am a wrestling pineapple!” I never wrote about, or discussed, Yuna Mizumori, because she wrestled for organizations I never watched. I never begrudged her existence, so long as I didn’t have to be subject to it. Then one day she showed up in Stardom’s “New Blood” shows. From Wikipedia, Stardom’s New Blood shows have been held since 2022 and slowly became a developmental sub-brand of the promotion, which mainly focus on matches where rookie wrestlers, usually with three or less years of in-ring experience, evolve. So even then, I wasn’t upset with Yuna’s participation, but she was technically working for Stardom, my favorite promotion. ![]() As I continued to watch Stardom, I began to see subtle and then grander changes in Yuna Mizumori. She began expressing a desire to join Cosmic Angels. This is where things got very interesting. Tam Nakano, the leader of Cosmic Angels demanded that Yuna lose weight, and get in better wrestling shape. Yuna began having to face Cosmic Angel members to prove her worth, having excellent matches with Natsupoi, and eventually even Nakano, The World of Stardom champion, herself! Yuna also had very solid matches with wrestlers like Saya Iida, and Hazuki. Eventually, after meeting her goal weight, and working a stiff match with Nakano, Yuna was accepted into Cosmic Angels. My favorite Yuna match of 2023 was against Momo Watanabe in the 5Star Grand Prix, she really won me over there, it was then that I could say with pride that I am a fan of Yuna Mizumori. Yuna not only has a great look, and solid wrestling ability, but her charisma and enthusiasm is second to no one in the world of wrestling. She always seems legitimately happy to be wrestling, and loves the fans. Now she no longer has to overcome the gimmick of being a wrestling pineapple, but instead, is gaining the reputation of a friendly, and fun, bad ass, that can fight toe to toe with the best of them that Stardom has to offer, and that is saying a lot! Yuna Mizumori has gone from being a silly sideshow, to being a main event caliber professional wrestler! ![]() World Wonder Ring Stardom is the best wrestling in the world. It’s not just because the wrestling is so good, but because nearly every member of the roster is hard to root against. Don’t get me wrong, every Stardom fan has their favorites, but there are few roster members that are legitimately hated. Sure, Odeo Tai are heels, and that’s very clear to any and everyone who watches Stardom, but all Stardom fans know that every member of Odeo Tai are legitimately great wrestlers. Yes, even that damn clown, as under the makeup is Joshi legend Kaori Yoneyama. I will watch just about any wrestling when I can. I check out RAW, Smackdown, Dynamite, and Collision fairly regularly. I have watched some Impact (TNA) and used to regularly watch MLW. That said, too often, in other companies such as these, and others, there will be wrestlers I legit cannot stand. I am not talking about heels, or “heat,” but wrestlers who make me fast forward, or even change the channel. More often than wrestlers I can’t stand are angles (stories) that are flat out embarrassing or total cringe in presentation. Stardom doesn’t suffer from these things. A wrestling fan that gets into Stardom doesn’t have to skip matches, nor do they have to watch stupid angles like marriages, someone’s mom coming to the ring, or wrestlers fighting over who is someone’s bff! When you watch Stardom you get to see the best wrestlers in the world fight it out in the ring, occasionally using some playful banter or a comedic touch to add to what’s being done on screen, or preparing to be done. While there are a few toxic, unhappy, Stardom fans, you really have to search to find them. Most of the time those type of fans are not accepted by the majority, and have to find their own little nook of the internet to do their bitching and complaining. The majority of Stardom fans can dislike a booking decision, yet still love the shows, and not allow their disagreement with a decision made by the company to cause them to no longer enjoy the company and their shows. It’s refreshing, and nice to be a part of such a wrestling fandom. Stardom doesn’t seem to grab headlines as much as every other company, except for their frequent “must see” matches, and when someone like Mercedes Money is signed by Stardom’s parent company, Bushi Road. I feel this is because there is little drama in Stardom. I also feel this is because, as stated earlier, the vast majority of fans are happy with their company, and don’t have to complain on social media the way that most fans do about every other company. So if you want to be happy watching wrestling, and are sick of all the negativity and drama, consider giving World Wonder Ring Stardom a chance. You might be surprised how good it feels to love wrestling again, instead of loving to hate it. ![]() Sometimes I get frustrated that Stardom fans don’t post much about the company, the matches, etc. on social media. There are plenty of fans, plenty of pictures, and some discussion, mostly on Twitter and Reddit, but there’s nowhere near as much of any that as there is for WWE, AEW, Impact, etc. However, as I started to examine this, I discovered a few things. More than half of social media posts about other companies are complaints, frustrations, and flat out hatred. WWE, Impact, AEW, and other company’s fans are for the most part, seldom, if ever, happy. The positive posts from those fans are typically about certain wrestlers that they love because they are getting pushed, and or winning titles. Fans of these other promotions can be happy, but typically the majority are calling for change, griping about wins and losses, and armchair booking. Sure, sometimes those things can be fun. Occasionally debate and disagreement can be enjoyable, but that’s pretty rare. What I’ve discovered about most Stardom fans, and yes, there are exceptions, they are almost always happy. You see, in Stardom, the vast majority of the wrestlers are seen as “worthy” even if they aren’t everyone’s favorites. For example, I am very frustrated that my two favorites, Hazuki and AZM (pronounced Azumi) aren’t holding any major titles, and I don’t see much chance of that changing anytime real soon. The reason I don’t bitch and moan all the time on social media is that I acknowledge and accept that those they are losing too are amazing, hard workers, and incredible wrestlers. I believe the biggest gripes Stardom fans have is usually regarding booking decisions made by Stardom executive producer, Rossy Ogawa. Fans believe that Rossy has his favorites and those favorites will be pushed over more deserving talent. Again though, I believe even most of those fans accept that just about every woman on the Stardom roster are worthy of a push, worthy title holders, worthy representatives of the company. One major “booking” issue many have, especially American fans, is that new comers will often get huge pushes and title reigns while long term roster members do not. I honestly have no answer for that, as I don’t understand it myself. Every issue and complaint is always answered by the greatness of the wrestlers in Stardom, even if they aren’t YOUR favorite. It’s a phenomenon like I have never seen in professional wrestling, especially modern day professional wrestling. So I say to you that if you want to be a happy professional wrestling fan, a content professional wrestling, if you want to find joy, fun, and excitement in professional wrestling again, I would strongly suggest that you follow World Wonder Ring Stardom. Stardom’s video service is less than seven dollars per month! There’s no better deal in all of pro wrestling! Some good places to help you understand and keep up with everything Stardom are my social media sites, and a few others. Here are the links. Stardom Samurai YouTube Stardom Samurai Facebook The Stardomcast Stardom Reddit Page Stardom Official YouTube Stardom English Twitter Stardom Main Twitter |
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